And project is also much more, check the short video below!
SME Aisle ePlatform offers relevant country information for you and your company
On this platform you may find relevant country information from Southern African countries (Namibia, South Africa, Zambia). Relevant country information from Central Baltic countries (Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia). Relevant country information in themes of energy, maritime and logistics, automation, ICT and business entry-modes.
The ePlatform will be developed in Spring 2022. Stay tuned!
SME Aisle Final seminar on 26.4.2022 online
The SME Aisle project “Exports of shipbuilding, maritime and logistics, renewable energy, automation and ICT from Central Baltic to the Southern African markets using Namibia as a stable entry point” (2018-2022) is approaching to its end. Join us for the SME Aisle Final online seminar on 26th of April 2022 from 9.30-16.00 Finnish time (UTC +3). See the programme here.
In Namibia a joint venture was set up and the company is currently moving towards recruiting German-speaking workers from Namibia, due to a demand from a major German customer.
The company Nordcrewing was established on November 2018. The idea of starting a recruitment company began with the startup company called StandByMate. StandbyMate was an online recruitment platform, moreover an online version of the current recruitment company Nordcrewing.
Read the success story here.
“The SME Aisle project has helped us in identifying suitable partners and has met our expectations”, states the Managing Director of BioSorbio Ltd. Jukka Lunden.
BioSorbio Ltd. is a Finnish company specialized in eco-friendly solutions in agriculture, soil and water remediation. The company joined the SME Aisle project in 2019.
BioSorbio’s products have raised interest for example in Zambia, where the company recently established a joint venture named BioRaiser Zambia Ltd.
Read the success story here.
“Thanks to the SME Aisle project, we have been able to enter the market in Southern Africa” says one of the company founders Joakim Hedenstedt.
Aion Sigma joined the SME Aisle project in 2019 and has been active in project events within the ICT field.
So far, Aion Sigma has partnered with Musanga Logistics to provide smartphones with their employees in Zambia.
Read the success story here.
Sustainable business in the markets of southern Africa
Read the article about sustainable business in the markets of Southern Africa in English (abstract) and in Finnish (full article).
There is a growing demand for the products and services of the maritime cluster in the markets of Southern Africa. In the future, Southern Africa will be the target of increasing investments. Located on the southern coast of the Atlantic, Namibia is categorized as a gateway to Southern Africa by sea and road.
Read more from Maritime Logistics Reasearch Center’s website
Technical and operational insights for businesses entering Namibian markets
This report describes some specific technical and operational requirements necessary to take into consideration when planning a business venture in the Southern African markets. In this report, Namibia is used as an example.
Take a look of our publication (open access): http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2020090468570
Read the news about the business trip in Southern Africa in April 2019 in English and in Finnish.
The SME Aisle project held a webinar on business between Namibia and the Central Baltic area on 26 May 2021. The webinar brought together various actors representatives from Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Estonia and Namibia. Read the blog post (samkarit.samk.fi).
Cosy atmosphere, a sumptuous dinner and great business networking. Read more about the Namibian business delegation trip to Central Baltic on 10th of November in Stockholm. Read the blog post.
Project SME Aisle organized its second business delegation trip for SMEs in April 2019. During the two weeks of travelling, the team and the companies visited Namibia, South Africa and Zambia.
Read the blog post in English and in Finnish.
Read the blog post from the Centrum Blaticm blog.
Rapid Urbanization and Infrastructure Pressure: Comparing the Sustainability Transition Potential of Water and Energy Regimes in Namibia.
The article presents a comparative study of the urban water and energy sectors in the coastal city of Walvis Bay in Namibia. Writers include experts from SME Aisle.
Read the paper (open access) from Wolrd 2020: https://doi.org/10.3390/world1020006
Feasibility study on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and on the resources required in the Southern African markets. Check our publication: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2019120946316 (open access).
Want to know more about Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) markets? Check our publication (open access) about business environment in Namibia, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Botswana and Zambia. Themes are maritime and ports, ICT, automation, renewable energy and machinery.
Total budget:
1 731 850,31 €
(ERDF: 1 358 178,06 €)
SAMK: 578 802,33 € (ERDF: 422 525,70 €)
Our objective in SME Aisle project is to support Central Baltic maritime clusters’ SMEs with an ambition and potential to enter into new markets in Southern Africa using Namibia as stable entry point.
SME Aisle focus on companies from Central Baltic area i.e. Finland (incl. Åland), Estonia, Latvia and Sweden.
Themes are shipbuilding, maritime, renewable energy, automation and ICT.
NEW! SME Aisle Online communication in Central Baltic and Southern Africa
Differences and practices of online communication between the Central Baltic and Southern Africa. Video available on Youtube
What is SME Aisle?
See the presentation about the project SME Aisle and its partners. Check the slideshow (click to open the presentation as PDF) or click the link below.
Click to play videos or open presentations (pdf). More videos in SME Aisle YouTube channel.
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia
Estonian Maritime Academy of Tallinn University of Technology
Namibia is known for its abundant renewable energy sources like solar, wind, wave and biomass. Within the next 10 years, technologies like wind, solar hydro and biomass could become economically viable without any subsidies in the country. This creates excellent export opportunities for Central Baltic SMEs. Join us in a free webinar to hear more! Link to the program
Namibian delegation travels to Central Baltic area 9.-17.11.2019.
The program includes B2B meetings, site visits and events with the Embassies.
Open program in pdf https://sub.samk.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/travelling-plan-SMEAisle20191011.pdf
Follow the delegation in SME Aisle social media!
Tervetuloa tapaamaan ja keskustelemaan namibialaisdelegaation kanssa businesstilaisuuteen SAMKin Merimäen auditorioon (Suojantie 2, Rauma) pe 15.11.2019 klo 13.00–14.45.
Tilaisuuden ohjelma:
13.00-13.05 Welcome and introduction, project leader Minna Keinänen-Toivola, SAMK
13.05-13.15 SME Aisle: Promoting trade between the Finland and Namibia, captain Heikki Koivisto, SAMK
13.15-13.30 Words from Namibian delegation members
13.30-13.45 Investment plans in Logistic Hub of Namibia – Future business opportunities and projects (Maritime, ICT, Transport – road and rail ,Energy and Water, Mining) Mr. Clive Smith Walvis Bay Corridor Group
13.45-14.00 Short introduction of Finnish companies
14.00-14.45 Speed networking and negotiations between businesses
Tilaisuuden järjestävät Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu ja Prizztech osana CB SME Aisle projektia.
Tilaisuus on ilmainen ja englanninkielinen.
Time: Monday 11 November, at 9.00-12.00 followed by a networking luncheon
Venue: World Trade Center, Klarabergsviadukten 70 Stockholm
Hosts: Business Sweden and Central Baltic SME Aisle in collaboration with the Swedish-Southern African Chamber of Commerce (SSACC)
3rd SMEAisle Business delegation to Namibia 22.9 – 5.10.2019!
The program includes business meetings, speed networking event and site visits.
Open program in pdf https://sub.samk.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/SMEAisle_delegation-program-autumn-2019.pdf
Follow our business trip in SME Aisle social media!
Namibia-Sweden Business Forum in connection with the Namibia-Sweden bilateral working group in Bankhalle, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm in 25.6.2019 9.00-12.00. Organized by Business Sweden in co-operation with Central Baltic SME Aisle project and others.
Registration to: https://www.business-sweden.se/en/Trade/Seminars-and-events/EventsSeminars/namibia-sweden-business-forum/
Click to open the program.
Where? Namibia, South Africa & Zambia.
When? 1st to 13th of April 2019.
Who? SME Aisle team and 31 Central Baltic SMEs from Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia.
Take a look of the business delegation and check photos from our social media accounts!
Welcome to the SME Aisle workshop!
Time: Thursday 13th of June from 13.30-15.30 at SAMK Campus Pori, Finland (also online). The workshop is organized simultaneously with the Match Industry 2019 event.
The workshop concentrates on the delegation trip in April 2019 to Namibia, South Africa and Zambia. We present some interesting and successful business cases of SMEs from Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia in Southern African markets so far. We also discuss about lessons learned and the upcoming events of the project.
Where? Namibia, South Africa & Zambia.
When? 1st to 13th of April 2019.
Who? SME Aisle team and 32 Central Baltic SMEs from Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia.
Take a look from program and events our SME Aisle team organized! Detailed program for registered companies was provided separately.
The webinar is targeted to the companies who are interested in business opportunities in the Southern African markets as well as to the companies who already have registered to the business delegation of April 2019 to Namibia, South Africa and Zambia. In the webinar, we share updated information on the business delegation and on opportunities for the Central Baltic SMEs in the market.
On 15th of February 2019 at 10-12 (at 9-11 Swedish time)
Where? Online HILL room
Workshop on 23.1. in Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop about Business opportunities in Southern African markets for Swedish SMEs
Wednesday 23rd January
Business Sweden, World Trade Center, Klarabergsviadukten 70, Stockholm (metro station T-Centralen)
Workshop on 29.11. in Riga, Latvia
What? Workshop about Business opportunities in Southern African markets
When? Thursday 29th November
Where? Kipsala International Exhibition Centre, Ķīpsalas street 8, Riga, Latvia. Workshop is in room number 105 (near entrance between both halls).
Programme & registration: Check the programme (click to enlarge) and register by 26.11 to dainis.racenis@masoc.lv. Welcome!
Read more about the international trade fair from Tech Industry website.
Sambian energiasektorin liiketoimintamahdollisuudet –työpaja ti 27.11. klo 10.30-12.30 Helsingissä.
Tule kuulemaan tiistaina 27.11. klo 10.30-12.30 Sambian liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista Ulkoministeriöön (Kanavakatu 3, Helsinki).
Ilmoittautumiset ilmaiseen työpajaan ja lisätietoja: nina.savela@samk.fi ke 21.11.2018 mennessä.
Työpajassa yhteistyössä Suomen Sambian Lähetystö, NIRAS ja SME Aisle -projekti. Työpajan jälkeen on tarvittaessa mahdollisuus lyhyisiin yrityskohtaisiin tapaamisiin.
Doing business through SME Aisle: Business trip to Namibia in September-October 2018
The first SME Aisle business trip to Namibia is organized in 16.9-5.10.2018.
SME Aisle project’s areas for business are shipbuilding, maritime and logistics, renewable energy, automation and ICT through infrastructure, shipbuilding, retrofitting, training or expert services. The business trip will consist of business to business events, site visits, seminars and a fair. Check the programme (click to enlarge).
Workshop on business opportunities on markets of Southern African area was organized in Pori, Finland 13th of June (you can participate also online). All companies interested in Southern African markets are welcome! Workshop is side event of MatchINDUSTRY 2018 event. Check the workshop programme (click to enlarge).
SME Aisle is part of the international multiscientific Smart Urban Business research work in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Minna Keinänen-Toivola, Ph.D.
+358 44 710 3063