Logos of regional council of Satakunta and Satakunta university of applied sciences.

The project has ended. Read the final report below!

Read the final report below (in Finnish).
Video: How to prepare for crisis (in Finnish).

Recordings from the events can be seen on SataVarmuus YouTube-playlist.

Products and services of companies in Satakunta to ensure security of supply in corona crisis

Pictures Ari Ahlfros, Rauma

Project SataVarmuus


01.07.2020 - 30.06.2021

Total funding

62 497 eur (49 997 eur Regional Council of Satakunta, "COVID-19 support")


Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, Regional Council of Satakunta and Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK)

Tasks in SataVarmuus

– Mapping the expertize on the security of supply in Satakunta

– Adding the skills in the security of supply

– Forming a “SataVarmuus” -expert network and starting its activities

The main target groups are small and medium sized enterprises working in area relevant for security of supply. In addition, companies having products and services to recover on coronavirus pandemia. Other target groups are research and education organizations, municipalities and chambers of commerce. All organizations in the region are relevant for the actions. 


Practical instructions for Covid-19

Below you can find the presentations of the previous SataVarmuus -online event: “Mitä tehdä, kun COVID-19 iskee työpaikalle”. Click the picture to open it in PDF-format. Presentations are in Finnish.

Työpaikan ja tartuntatautiviranomaisten välinen yhteistyö: Lääkäri Irene Reinvall

Aluehallintoviraston rooli työsuojelun näkökulmasta: Ylijohtaja Mikael Luukanen

Aluehallintoviraston rooli työsuojelun näkökulmasta: Työsuojelun vastuualueen edustaja Ulla Riikonen

Kunnan sosiaalihuollon näkökulma työpaikan COVID-19 -tartuntatautitilanteeseen – arjen hallinta: Aikuis- ja perhetyön johtaja Saila Hohtari

Yritysesimerkki: Rauma Marine Constructions Oy, HR Manager Johanna Peltomaa

Follow us on social media, #satavarmuus

Smart Urban Business

SataVarmuus is part of the international multiscientific Smart Urban Business research work in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland.


Minna Keinänen-Toivola, Project manager

+358 44 710 3063 | minna.keinanen-toivola(at)samk.fi